Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Linda Fekisi

(RED)olution is a campaign that has been initiated by the KOVSIES HIV/AIDS Centre as a way to celebrate World AIDS Day. The international celebration of World AIDS Day is on the 1 December but, since most of the varsity students will not be around at that time the event took place on the 27 October. A freeze mob gathered at the Thakaneng Bridge at 13:00 to freeze for 3 minutes as a symbol that Kovsies are taking a stand to put a stop to the spread of the HIV epidemic. The bridge was full to capacity with Kovsie students and employees who were wearing their red ribbons in support of people living and affected by HIV/AIDS. Jo Mbangatha, a student, heard about the event earlier on that day. She says that she is glad that she because it was a nice experience, it was totally new to her and she would not mind to find herself doing it again next year. Sarien de Necker, Kovsie Health and Wellness Sister, also formed the freeze mob. She says that she believes that we can make a difference and change the minds of people about HIV/AIDS. (RED)olution drew its inspiration from a need to show care and concern about the epidemic and to remind others of their support and commitment to the fight against HIV/AIDS. The marketing of the event assisted in making it a grand success. Profile posters of ambassadors were placed around campus to raise awareness. Tarryn Nell, HIV Prevention Programme Officer at the centre, says that they are hoping to make it a Kovsie tradition to celebrate World Aids Day in style. The video can be viewed on :

Friday, October 22, 2010

Free State University hosts Ubuntu Sustained Dialogue

Linda Fekisi

A debating session of the Ubuntu Sustained Dialogue was held at the DF Malherbe House yesterday afternoon. The theme Embracing African values through Diversity discussed between speakers.Speakers participating at the assembly made up two teams which were the university team and the Ubuntu Sustained Dialogue team. Thato Masthusa,Rashied Adams and Craig Spitaels were proposing while Mody Motholo and Mulondi Dzebu were the opposition team. This debating programme was initiated early this year by Sello Mazibuko and Tebogo Rakhongoana. After the first debate session the number of students involved with the programme have increased. Thato Masthusa says being amongst those who joined she encourages more people to take part as she has grown with Ubuntu. The Dialogue provides a non-racial platform for students at the University of the Free State to express themselves on diversity issues. It is supported by the International Institute for Studies in Race, Reconciliation & Social Justice. Tarryn Nell spoke on behalf of Kovsie HIV/Aids Centre.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Student Dean holds a public discussion

By: Lehlohonolo Tau
Student Dean of the Free State University held a discussion with students regarding the Student Interim Committee which was selected after the disbandment of the SRC. He says reasons for the disbandment of the student Parliament was the continued fuelling of racial conflict and disunity in the Varsity. However, students say, this committee is not representative of the majority of students and that the forum was not democratically selected. He concluded that the forum will come to an end as soon as consensus is reached between students and management.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Free State awaits its first marathon

This past Thursday the Free State Province was the launching its liberation route marathon. The event was held at Ilanga Estate in Bloemfontein. The aim of the liberation marathon is to celebrate the contribution played by heroes of the liberation struggle. The 65 km distance marathon in partnership with Izidwe Marketing and my Arts lifestyle is open to licensed and unlicensed athletes. The Marathon Spokesperson says the first winner will walk away with 30,000sponsors for this event includes: Department of Sports, Arts and Culture, Metropolitan, Bloem Spa, MTN and others who have yet to confirm. Accommodation will be provided for all participants.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Free State University hosts its first women conference

By: Linda Fekisi

The CRS Auditorium was the venue this Saturday where the Free State University held its inaugural women’s conference. Celebrating women within our vicinity became the first theme of the event. It is an initiative by the SRC Ladies Internal Liaison. It came about after realising the need to nurture the minds and souls of female students. Invitations to the event went to first year students from the universities ten female hostels, female students from communes, in student associations, 10 SRC members, Executive Committees of the SRC members and all female students in our campus and female students within Bloemfontein. Grade 10 female students from Kopanong Senior Secondary School attended. According to the ladies the aim of the conference was to nurture, inform and motivate women within. Moreover to provide insight on possible challenges, triumphs and experiences they will most likely encounter as aspiring business women. Guest speakers of the event were Catherine Glennie, Xandria Cameron, Lesego Shuping, Mosisi Modise and Nosana Sondiyazi.

Central University of Technology SRC elections 2010

Photo by: Lehlohonolo Tau, In Photo : CUT students  participating at the elections
Central University of Technology began their annual SRC elections earlier this week. Political parties present shared their views regarding the elections and party manifestos. Each party identified problems they felt needed to be addressed. Mutual problems identified by Azasko and Sasco are amongst others racism, the campus library operating hours and unavailability of prescribed textbooks in the library. Moreover both parties stressed the issue of under qualified and part time lectures within the institution. When the election results were announced it was Sasco that received the most votes. The party will hold 11 seats on the SRC body in the Bloemfontein campus and none in the Welkom campus. Azasko on the other hand will hold 3 seats in the Bloemfontein campus and 8 in Welkom.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The first F1 Programme

By Alzane Narrain

71 First year students will travel to the United States of America as part of the Free State university programme. This group of students will depart on September 22 and will spend two weeks in various American Universities. The aim of this programme is to teach first year students leadership skills.

“We understand that we actually need to have broader programmes, to ensure that when first years begin their studies, they already access opportunities to develop as leaders, and that’s where this new programme comes from” said Mr Rudi Buys, Dean of Student Affairs at the UFS.

These students will be involved in student-life programmes on campus, upon their return. They will also be expected to establish volunteer programmes alongside the Bower Bup Programme. The Bower Bup Programme is similar to the F1 Programme, but is centred on programmes in Bloemfontein.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Church members march outside Free State University

Lehlohonolo Tau

A march took place outside Free State University earlier yesterday. Church members had come to voice their displeasure about the issue of discrimination and related intolerances in the University. The President of the National Council of Churches says, the Rector Jonathan Jansen bites freedom and gives refuge to segregation. He also says the VF plus and the DA are the mouth piece of top management. He has urged the Minister of Higher Education Blade Nzimande to intervene.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Faculty of Theology holds a special lunch at Free State University

The faculty of theology at Free State University held a lunch lecture addressing racism. The chairperson of the event says they are aiming at tackling social issues like racism. Werner Schimdt, the guest speaker, says there are risks in engaging in anti-racism and disengaging racism. One of the students at the Free State University says they have learned that they can out grow racism and work with other students from different races.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The sod turning ceremony for the building of the new Clinical Skills Centre of the School for Allied

The sod turning ceremony for the building of the new Clinical Skills Centre of the School for Allied Health Professions at the University of the Free State has been officially announced. The project is the original initiative of Dr Santie van Vuuren, Head of the School, and is focused on presenting undergraduate students in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nutrition Dietetics and Optometry. The new building will include three skills venues, as well as a computer laboratory. It is aimed that the building will be completed by late next year.

Monday, August 9, 2010

News training

To all journalists and newsreaders: Please do not forget the training on  saturday. It will be taking place in the SRC Hall. I have to emphasise the fact that failure to attend will constitute to your removal from office. The only person who has excused herself is Alzane since her date of eye-checkup will be the same day and unfoturnately, she cannot reschedule.